Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Understand How Different Parts Of Pallet Racking Help In Better Performance

Pallet racking is a type of racking system that is popular with its users as a single or multilevel storage system. The speciality of this system is that it supports high stacking, primarily used for single items or goods arranged in pallets. The system is popular with any distribution, storage or material handling operation units. The central attractive aspect of these storage units is that it allows rapid access. 

Many storage units use Pallet Racking in Melbourne as it helps in maximising the space available at the facility, thus allowing people to store more companies in a given area. The present cities prefer these storage units, as space is a huge is fast-growing urban life and everyone is looking for ideas to maximise the space utilisation. 

Pallet racks are composed of vertical upright frames and horizontal load beams designed primarily to secure the saved items. The upright frames also are known as columns or uprights may vary in size to accommodate objects that are variant with height and width. 

The rack manufacturers punch holes or slots down the column at standard lengths, giving flexibility for the users to fix the arms as per the pallet size. A few build upright columns with the help of C shapes for columns. To enhance the strength of the racks, many manufacturers give the option of diagonal or horizontal braces, which are bolted or welded between two upright columns. Footplates also are known as footpads, or base plates are attached at the base, for better support and grip. The other benefit of the base plates is that it offers better stability for the rack. 

Load beams are the horizontal supports that act as arms of the rack, where the loads are placed. Manufacturing units provide two options in this category, which include step beams and structural channel beams. Wood, composite material, sheet metal or wire decking are generally places on or between the load beams to provide larger storage area. 

The units occupy safe and help in better performance, as operating staff would generally use forklifts for accessing and storage. It would help in reducing the chances of errors and accidents. Thus, this storage system could prove to be beneficial if you deal with standard-sized goods.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tips For Increasing The Efficiency Of Your Warehouse

Are you looking for easy ways to increase the efficiency of your warehouse? It’s so important to keep your eye on ways to increase efficiency and save money in your business – after all, it’s the basis of increasing profit margins. This article provides some handy suggestions to help you increase efficiency, including implementing pallet racking, using machines, training workers well, and using helpful technology.

Pallet Racking

Maximise Use of Space with Pallet Racking

You might think you need to have a larger warehouse footprint, but this may not be true if you’re not making use of vertical space. One way of making good use of both vertical and horizontal space is to opt for pallet racking for your storage facility. Pallet racking allows for easy access to products while storing them in a logical sequence, so you know what order to retrieve them in. Pallet racking allows you to alter the dimensions of the shelves, so if you have stock in varying sizes, you can accommodate this to ensure you’re not wasting any space.

Use Machines Where Possible

Are there any areas in your warehouse systems in which you can use a machine rather than a person? Often the cost of maintenance for a machine is much less than the cost of keeping a person on payroll. A machine doesn’t request sick days, either. When looking for places to become more efficient, go through all your warehouse processes and see if there are any places where a machine would do a better job for less cost than a human.

Train Your Workers Well

There may be some areas where you can’t replace humans with machines, and in these areas, you should make sure your workers are so well trained that they’re extremely efficient. Good training will send the message that their job and their performance are important to you, which should be a motivating factor for them. In addition to this, the best training will result in the best results and greater efficiency for you.

Use Helpful Technology

There are many warehouse technology options available today that can make your warehouse more efficient. Look into all the alternatives and choose technology that suits the way you strive to do business. However, there’s no point going digital for the sake of it; the move to digital has to be driven by your core business values, so keep these in mind when you’re looking at new technology to implement.

Use the Lean Inventory Approach

The basis of the lean inventory approach is to only have what you need and no more. So if you have numerous safety stocks, you may want to rethink that and keep your stock to what you actually require. Buy from suppliers in smaller amounts more frequently so you have fewer items to store. When something is taking up space in your business, it’s likely also taking up money. Putting into practice the lean inventory approach can help lead your warehouse into a new era of efficiency.

Monday, December 7, 2020

6 Great Features of Pallet Racking

Have you ever wondered what makes pallet racking so popular? There are many great features of pallet racking to take advantage of in your warehouse. Read on to learn about six of the best features. 

Pallet Racking

Horizontal Rows with Multiple Levels

The basis of all pallet racking is horizontal rows of shelving with multiple levels stacking upwards. Pallet racking allows for convenient storage that’s safe for warehouse workers to interact with. This logical form of shelving accommodates product stacking quickly and easily. The horizontal rows and multiple levels of pallet racking mean that you can remove stock in a rational sequence, such as First In, First Out (FIFO).

Using Pallet Racking with Forklifts

Pallet racking is designed to be used with forklifts in order to place loaded pallets onto shelves or to easily retrieve pallets to access stock. Forklifts are a safe and convenient way of moving around large amounts of stock. So much so, that you’re likely to find the pallet racking and forklift combination in use in most warehouses worldwide today. It offers a lot when it comes to the efficiency of moving stock around and preparing for dispatch.  

Increased Storage Density

Pallet racking is often the chosen option for shelving in warehouses because it can increase the storage density of products in the warehouse. This means that you can fit more in while still keeping everything nicely organised so that come retrieval time, you can find exactly what you need. Similarly, it’s important to take the right stock out in the right order, which is why it’s beneficial to have a system like pallet racking that allows things to be done logically and orderly. 

Adjustable Shelving

All pallet racking has fixtures that keep the horizontal shelving rows in place. But if you have products of different dimensions, you can also alter the size of the shelves, accommodating a variety of product sizes with ease. This also means that if your product line changes, you don’t have to throw out your whole shelving system, which would be a sizeable waste of money. Instead, you can simply reuse your existing pallet racking in the future by adjusting the shelves. 

Stock Management

Pallet racking is compatible with many stock management systems, as it’s a highly convenient way of storing and accessing stock in warehouse environments. It’s been in use since the end of the Second World War, so it’s a well-tested formula for warehouse storage of products. With pallet racking, you can easily implement any stock management system and have it work for you. 

Employee Safety

Employee safety has to be number one when it comes to the operation of warehouses. This is where pallet racking really shines, as forklifts are used to access products, meaning the workers themselves aren’t in the firing line; they’re protected in the forklift. Having a mechanical process to access stock is not only safer, but is also more efficient. 


There are quite a few beneficial features of pallet racking which you can take advantage of in your storage facility, no matter what your products may be. You can benefit from the structure of the shelving, using forklifts to access stock, increased storage density, adjustable shelving, better stock management, and greater employee safety, among other things.

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